10 Steps to Pick the Perfect Tech Stack

10 Steps to Pick the Perfect Tech Stack

Follow these tips to choose the right software stack for your business for maximum profits & a flawless functioning product in mobile app development.

10 Secrets to finding the right technology stack that meets your needs

Tech stacks are the building blocks of software and form the basis of software development.

They consist of technologies grouped together to achieve perfectly functionally products at par with your expectations.

Although these software stacks aim at simplifying the development process, they also affect the functioning of your product. That is why picking up the right one from the list of popular tech stacks is often the most crucial step in product development.


Before going ahead with a detailed description of how to pick the perfect tech stack, let us first discuss what constitutes a tech stack.

When you individually pick up the technologies for your product, challenges like compatibility issues may make it a task. However, a tech stack has three components that are compatible with each, making it easier for you to choose a stack instead of having to choose from hundreds of available technologies. The three components of a tech stack include:

Front end

As the name suggests, the front end is visible on the client-side. It is what the users interact with, including images, visuals, graphics and layout of the website.

Front end development is responsible for factors like responsiveness, user-friendliness and UX. Some technologies used for the front end include HTML, CSS, and Javascript.


Backend is where coding happens and decides the performance and functionality of your product. It is responsible for CRUD operations – Create, Read, Update, and Delete. PHP, C#. Dotnet, Ruby, Python and Scala are a few widely used backend technologies.


Middleware consists of servers that connect the backend and the front end. It may consist of a content management system that effectively supports the development and delivery of the application.

Best Tech Stack for Web App 2022

  • LAMP
  • MEAN
  • MERN
  • Python
  • Full Stack
  • Flutter

How to choose a tech stack for web development?

Now that you know what a technology stack is, you can start finding the perfect one for your product.  This is an intricate process that often takes significant time and research. However, a little knowledge can go a long way.

Look at the following aspects of your product and tech stack to make the right choice.

Business needs

If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough. – Albert Einstein

Therefore, understanding your business needs is the first step toward choosing the right technologies for its development and execution.

Before you start looking for a stack, you should be able to answer questions like; what are your goals, and what ideal performance or deliverables do you expect.

Without this information, it would be impossible to make the right decision.


Always look at your team and skills.

If you have found a popular tech stack that is also budget-friendly but; no one in your team has experience with it, this would make it a risky move.

Whereas if there’s a tech stack with minor challenges and your team is an expert in it, that will be the perfect pick.

Time to market

Extensive knowledge about the deliverables is necessary to launch an MVP at the right time and make improvisations.

If the deadlines are close and you have a limited number of resources, go for ready-made solutions to hasten the process and later add the functionalities via third party integration.

Similarly, if you are working on an extensive application with a demand for specific features and functions, going for custom development or developing from scratch can be a great idea!

Project type

Having a thorough understanding of your project is crucial as different tech stacks cater to the project at different levels. So, you should be carefully able to look at your project and define it as a small, mid-size or large-size complex project.

Complex projects usually need more high-end technologies like CRM and integrations that offer better technologies. While small and middle-level projects can also work on simpler alternatives like CMS or WordPress.


A technology stack forms the basis of your product that you are likely to stick with it for a long time. So, when searching among the best tech stacks for a web app, don’t look at just your present needs, but look at it from the future perspective.

Be insightful about the scope of your product, its possible expansion and the features you are planning to add.


The work of you and your team will not finish just after developing and launching the product. It also includes working on its maintenance, testing and launching frequent updates to keep it at par with the latest standards.

That is why you should contemplate if you have enough time and resources it demands in the long run. A popular tech stack with software architecture and an exciting code base will make it easier.

Cost implications

When working on any project, its monetary evaluation is equally important. The solution you pick should always be within your stipulated budget and be cost-effective in the long run.

Go for the one that offers the features you need and fits your budget. After all, spending your time to find the stack that does not fit your budget will do no good for your product.

Market research

Taking time to research and indulge in exhaustive research while exploring the options is also the right move.

Look at the latest options available and check out the market and the competitors to find out what is working for them.

Target audience

You cannot deliver the perfect product for your users unless you understand them. Studying your users will help you gauge what appeals to them visually and in terms of performance.

This can be of great significance when deciding on the technology of your product.


Security should never slip off your list when it comes to making decisions for your business. In an era dominated by cyberattacks, you would be risking your brand reputation if you don’t put security on priority.

When you pick up the technology stack for your business, check out the security it offers and how vulnerable is it to cyber-attacks.


Technology stacks simplify the development process and consist of the technologies used for front and back-end development. That is why one needs to be extra careful while picking up the right tech stack for business. Don’t forget to look at your requirements, team skills, features and the cost implications of the popular tech stacks that work for your competitor and industry to make the right choice.

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