Android App Development

Android App Development Do’s and Don’ts – Master Your Skills

Are you prepared to advance your knowledge in Android app development? Look nowhere else! We’ll examine the dos and don’ts of creating Android apps in this in-depth guide and show you how to master them like an expert.

Making software that integrates easily with the Android operating system, which runs on billions of devices globally, is the main goal of Android app development. Having this skill set can be a game-changer in the tech business given the steadily growing popularity of Android handsets.

We’ll go over the key dos and don’ts of creating Android apps in this article. You’ll discover how to make unique apps that are of the highest caliber, are simple to use, and are optimized.

What is Android App Development?

Developing software for the Android operating system, which runs on billions of devices globally, is known as Android app development. Having this skill set is quite valuable in the tech business given the growing popularity of Android smartphones.

We’ll go through every do and don’t while building Android applications, arming you with the information you need to produce polished, user-friendly, and optimised applications.

The Android app development process involves a number of steps, including designing the app, coding it, testing it, and deploying it to the Google Play Store.

The Android’s History

Android was founded in 2003 by Andy Rubin, Rich Miner, Nick Sears, and Chris White. The initial aim was to develop a platform for digital cameras. However, in 2005, Google acquired Android, and the focus shifted to mobile devices. 

The first Android smartphone was released in 2008, and since then, Android has become the most popular mobile operating system in the world.  

Android Development Starter Pack:

To get started with Android app development, you need to have the following:

  • A computer with a minimum of 8GB RAM and 256GB storage
  • An Android device for testing
  • Java Development Kit (JDK)
  • Android Studio
  • An emulator or a physical Android device for testing

Software Development Kit

The Android Software Development Kit (SDK) is a collection of software development tools that are used to create Android apps. It includes a set of libraries, debugger, emulator, documentation, and sample code. 

The SDK is available for free and can be downloaded from the official Android website.

Editors and IDEs

Android Studio is the official integrated development environment (IDE) for Android app development. It is based on IntelliJ IDEA and provides an intuitive and powerful environment for coding, debugging, and testing Android apps. 

Other popular editors and IDEs for Android app development include Eclipse, NetBeans, and Visual Studio.

Programming Languages

Java and Kotlin are the two most popular programming languages used for Android app development. Java is a general-purpose programming language that has been around for many years and is widely used in the tech industry. 

Kotlin is a modern programming language that is designed to be more concise, expressive, and safe than Java.


Android provides a large number of libraries that developers can use to build their apps. These libraries provide pre-written code for common tasks, such as handling user input, accessing device features, and communicating with servers. 

Some of the most popular Android libraries include Retrofit, Glide, Room, and Dagger.


Plugins are add-ons that can be installed in Android Studio to enhance its functionality. There are many plugins available that can help developers to be more productive and efficient. 

Some of the most popular plugins include the Android ButterKnife Zelezny, which generates boilerplate code for ButterKnife, and the Android Drawable Importer, which helps developers to import drawable assets into their projects.

Top 5 Do’s of Android App Development

When it comes to creating successful Android apps, there are several Do’s that developers should keep in mind to ensure their apps are user-friendly, secure, and optimized for performance.

Use of standard UI elements

One of the most important Do’s of Android app development is to use standard UI elements. This means using elements that are familiar to users and are consistent with the overall design of the Android platform. 

By using standard UI elements, you can create an intuitive and user-friendly interface that is easy to navigate and understand.

Proper testing and debugging

Testing and debugging are crucial steps in the Android app development process. It is important to thoroughly test your app on a range of devices and under different network conditions to ensure that it works as intended. 

Proper testing and debugging can help identify and fix any bugs, errors, or crashes that could negatively impact user experience.

Optimization of app performance

Optimizing your app’s performance is another important Do of Android app development. By minimizing resource usage and optimizing code, you can create an app that is fast, responsive, and efficient. 

This can help improve user satisfaction and reduce the likelihood of negative reviews or uninstallations.

Implementation of security measures

Security is a top concern for Android users, which is why it is important to implement security measures in your app. This includes using encryption, secure communication protocols, and secure storage to protect user data. By implementing these measures, you can help ensure that your app is safe and secure for users.

Adherence to app store guidelines

To ensure that your app is accepted and available on the Google Play Store, it is important to adhere to app store guidelines. This includes following guidelines related to app content, user data, advertising, and more. 

By adhering to these guidelines, you can ensure that your app is not rejected or removed from the app store.

Top 5 Don’ts of Android App Development:

While there are several Do’s to keep in mind when developing Android apps, there are also several Don’ts that developers should avoid to ensure the success of their apps.

Overuse of unnecessary features

One of the most common mistakes in Android app development is overusing unnecessary features. While it may be tempting to include every possible feature in your app, doing so can lead to a cluttered and confusing user interface. Instead, focus on providing the most important features and functionality that users actually need and will use.

Neglecting user experience

Another important Don’t of Android app development is neglecting user experience. Your app should be designed with the user in mind, and should be easy to navigate, intuitive, and visually appealing. Neglecting user experience can lead to frustrated users, negative reviews, and ultimately, low app ratings.

Using deprecated APIs

Using deprecated APIs is another common mistake that developers should avoid. Deprecated APIs are no longer supported by Android and can cause compatibility issues and security vulnerabilities. Be sure to use the latest APIs and stay up to date with changes to the Android platform.

Poorly written code

Poorly written code can also negatively impact your app’s performance and user experience. Be sure to write clean, well-organized code that is easy to maintain and update. This can help reduce bugs and crashes, improve app performance, and ultimately, improve user satisfaction.

Failure to update the app regularly

Finally, it is important to regularly update your app to address bugs, add new features, and improve performance. Failure to update your app can lead to negative reviews and low app ratings, as users expect developers to continuously improve and maintain their apps.

Top 5 Essential Skills for Mastering Android App Development

Android app development is a complex and ever-evolving field, and mastering it requires a combination of technical skills and soft skills. Here are the top 5 essential skills that developers should focus on to become successful in Android app development.

Learning the fundamentals of Android app development

The fundamentals of Android app development include understanding the Android operating system, user interface design, programming languages such as Java and Kotlin, and the Android development environment. By mastering these fundamentals, developers can create high-quality, functional, and user-friendly apps.

Continuous learning and practice

The Android platform and technologies are constantly evolving, and developers must stay up to date with the latest trends, tools, and techniques. Continuous learning and practice are essential for mastering Android app development and staying ahead of the competition.

Utilization of available resources

There are many resources available to developers, including online courses, forums, blogs, and documentation. Developers should make use of these resources to learn new skills, troubleshoot issues, and stay up to date with the latest technologies.

Networking with other developers

Networking with other developers can provide valuable insights, advice, and support. Joining online communities, attending meetups, and participating in hackathons can help developers connect with others in the industry and learn from their experiences.

Development of a personal project

Developing a personal project can be an effective way to apply and practice new skills. It can also provide developers with a portfolio piece that showcases their abilities and creativity.


As an Android app developer, mastering the technical aspects of the field is crucial. However, it’s equally important to develop soft skills such as communication, problem-solving, and creativity. By focusing on both technical and soft skills, continuous learning and practice, utilizing available resources, networking with other developers and creating personal projects, developers can increase their chances of success in the field.

To stay ahead of the competition, developers should always be willing to learn and adapt to new technologies and trends. At Talentelgia, our team of experienced developers can help take your Android app development projects to the next level by creating customized, high-quality, and user-friendly apps that meet your specific needs.

Remember, mastering Android app development is an ongoing process, and by continuously improving your skills, you can stay ahead of the game and succeed in this ever-evolving industry.

Click now to learn how Talentelgia can help you achieve your Android app development goals!

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